miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016


When I was 8 years old, my father gave my brother and me a questionnaire with 50+ questions to discover our main operating paradigm. After about 30 minutes, I discovered I was for the most part operating with a frog´s mentality.
If you would like to take the quiz, these are some of the questions. Answer True or False.
1.     I believe feelings/emotions are the base to make important decisions in my life.
2.     In a tense situation, I tend to laugh to decrease the tension in the room.
3.     I worry when people show negative emotions such as anger, boredom, sadness etc.
4.     For me it’s easy to follow a diet, exercise regularly, stop smoking etc.
5.     Being humble is one of the best qualities.
6.     My parents respected and encouraged me to express my emotions such as laughter, crying etc.
7.     I take life seriously but I also know when to relax and have fun.
8.     I’m aware of my surroundings.
9.     I keep calm instead of being over emotional, aggressive or too shy.
10.  Growing up, I felt my parent’s kind love.
11.  I’m almost never bored.
12.  I almost never feel lonely.
13.  Once in a while I cry.
14.  I try to find creative solutions to problems.
15.  When I have problems and stress, I talk to a friend, instead of consuming alcohol or drugs.
16.  I am open to new ideas to improve my life.
17.  I believe in something bigger than myself such as religion, spirituality, the universe etc.
18.  I can trust people, until they show me otherwise.
19.  I trust in myself to take the right decisions in my life.
20.  I can be in charge whenever it’s needed.
21.  I take full responsibility of my actions and I don´t blame my parents, bosses, friends, boyfriend etc.
If you answered True to 11 or more questions, then you are a Princess or Prince.
If you answered False to 11 or more questions, then you are Frog.

This is just a small quiz to know about your subconscious paradigms, and then make the appropriate changes to reach your goals.
 If you would like to learn how to consciously manifest your desires, you can contact me at: pauxsella@hotmail.com

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